Information on the opportunities given to women to enter the Institute
In accordance with the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 393, admission to higher educational institutions is carried out on the basis of equality for all (both grants and payment-contract), uniform admission rules and a single competition, ensuring the right of applicants who have received the highest score in the test tests to be accepted The remaining applicants have the right to be accepted within the framework of payment and contract quotas established on the basis of the rating of test scores. Persons with disabilities, people living in areas of remote desert districts of the Republic, children of employees of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan, are recommended to the student on the basis of an additional state grant allocated to higher educational institutions with a recommendation issued in support of women. Separate scholarships are assigned for these additional quotas. Students who have obtained a state-wide title scholarship are admitted to the magistracy without examination tests.