Information about the activities carried out to apply and promote a policy of non-discrimination against women
On November 24, 2021, in the Meeting Hall of the institute, a round table "legal foundations of the fight against violence" was held with the participation of students of the 1st and 2nd year students in cooperation with the women's Council of the institute, the Department of spirituality and enlightenment and youth and the Faculty of management in construction. Senior teacher of the Department of social sciences, women's leader of the Faculty ofmanagement in construction A.E.Ziyotova conducted a round table.
Chairman of the women's Council of the Institute M.Babakulova stated as examples that in most cases committing violence are men, noting that it is advisable to involve not only women, but also student guys in the events on this issue. At the round table, the senior inspector of the IAD, Lieutenant Colonel D.R.Hotamova participated and gave detailed information on the types of violence and the legal framework of the fight against it, as well as the availability of the adopted law and legislation. The stage performance on the topic was skillfully performed by students of group 101 in the speciality of Economics. In the scenery, several types of violence were shown, reflecting its consequences and legal measures.
Psychologist of the Institute S.Otayorov gave examples of the fact that now in families, through our attitude towards our women, their role in society is determined.
On November 25, 2021, in the Meeting Hall of the institute, an event was held on the topic “Non-violent society-a prosperous state mirror!” organized by the women's Council of the Institute on the occasion of November 25 - World “Day of protection of women and women from discrimination and violence " with students of the Institute. At the event, the adviser to the major of Samarkand on women's issues, Deputy City Department for neighborhood and family support S.X.Zahidova, imam Khatibi of "Domla Kamoliddin" Jome mosque I.Abdusalomov, judges of the regional court X.X.Keldiyorova, Sh.N.Muradullaeva, N.J.Rachmanova and deputy chairmen of neighborhoods of women's issues in the area were attended .
The Event was opened with introductory speech by M.Babakulova, she gave an understanding of the attitude of our state to a woman through laws and decree orders.
Imam Khatib I.Abdusalomov explained that women's veneration in Islam is a source that expresses the need for a religion to approach a woman with mercy, and that every young man and girl should be educated.
S.X.Zahidova said that the city authorities and the public authorities are responsible for the attention to women in the neighborhoods and for their living in a good environment. Judge X.X.Keldiyorova gave life examples of offenses and crimes, as well as violations committed by women, and gave information about the inevitability of punishment for any crime.
Deputy chairman on women's issues of "Madadkar" neighborhood I.Mamedova expressed her opinion about the role of women in families. The “Survey”, prepared by psychologist S. Otayorov and the Women's Advisory Board to identify existing problems on issues of violence, ethics and gender equality, was conducted and psychological recommendations were made.
During the event, the girls received answers from experts to the questions interest them.
On November 25, in the small meeting hall of the institute, a video “Hear me too!" covering social equality was shown to the girl-students.