Information on activities carried out in cooperation with government and non-profit organizations
On November 3, 2021, an event was held in the Meeting Hall of the Institute on the topic “Women's law is in state protection” with student girls living in student dormitories No. 2 and No. 4. Coordination of the activities of the Internal Affairs bodies of Samarkand City Department of crime prevention senior inspector on women's issues, Lieutenant Colonel Khatamova Dildora, senior inspector of the group for the organization of youth and Juvenile Delinquency Prevention major Akhrorov Erkin, chairman of the women's Advisory Council of the Institute M.Babakulova, head of the Department of work and spirituality and enlightenment with the youth Ch.Khushmurodova, psychologist S.Otayorov took part in the event.
The Event was opened with introduction speech by M.Babakulova, she gave insights into the fact that the legal interests of women are under the protection of the state, that is, the attitude of our state to a woman through laws and decree orders.
Lieutenant Colonel D.Khatamova on protection of women from harassment and violence, decree of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan “on improving measures to prevent domestic and social violence;
She explained the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan on September 2, 2019 “On protection of women from harassment and violence”and “On guarantees of equal rights and opportunities for women and men”, and provided comprehensive information about gender equality and “Protection orders” aimed at protecting women from harassment and violence by guilty persons who did not comply with this law.
Major E.Akhrorov gave comparative-statistical information about the offense and crime committed in our Republic, as well as about the violations committed by women.
Psychologist of the Institute S.Otayorov gave psychological advice to students about ways to avoid stress-depression in any situations.
Footage from the process of awarding the winners of the "Regional governor's Science Olympiad", held within the framework of the slogan “Let the youth of New Uzbekistan unite”