Information about the work carried out at the Samarkand State Architectural and Civil Engineering Institute on the implementation of Paragraph 5 of the resolution of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 28, 2021 “On approval of the strategy for achieving gender equality of the Republic of Uzbekistan by 2030” CQ-297-IV
On January 27, 2021, an event organized by the council on women's issues of the institute was held in the small meeting hall on the basis of the appeal of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev to the Oliy Majlis on the topic “Further strengthening the role and position of women in the management of the state and society is one of the top priorities of our reforms”
At the event, the chairman of the council on women's issues of the Institute M.Babakulova in her report on the topic "Legal interests of women are in the protection of the state" the state is carrying out very important work on the attitude of our state to a woman through its laws and decree orders, including the creation of legal foundations for strengthening the institution of women, neighborhood and family in the next 4 years in our country, It was explained that the state guarantees women and men equal participation in the management of society and state affairs, equal participation in the election process, equal rights and opportunities in the fields of Health, Education, Science, Culture, labor and social protection, as well as in other spheres of life of the state and society.
At the event, the leader of the women's group of the Faculty of Construction N.Khodiyeva informed the participants about the “Protection warrants” on the topic "Issues of gender equality and protection of women and girls from harassment and violence."
During the event, the leader of the Association “Olima” of the Institute, S.Sadikova urged the Institute's women to be active in research through the theme “Be a light of Science” .
Associate professor of the Department of foreign languages B.Akhmedova and senior teacher of the Department of Social Sciences A.Ziyatova expressed her opinion about the state's confessions to women.
In the consciousness of the participants of the event, knowledge was formed about the measures of our state to support women.
Active student girls of the institute were awarded “Certificates of Honor”. The event was held in high spirits.