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Institutimizning bir qator professor-oʻqituvchilari turli “Master reja”lar buyicha halqaro mutaxassis va tajribali xodimlar bilan hamkorlikda seminarlar tashkil qilindi va amaliy loyihalarda faol ishtirok etmoqda. Jumladan “Arxitekturaviy loyihalash” kafedrasi oʻqituvchilari tomonidan 2021-yilda Nodavlat notijorat tashkilotlari bilan hamkorlikda tadqiqot ishlarini olib borishdi. Aholining turmush tarzini yaxshilash va barqaror rivojlanishga erishish maqsadida turar joy va jamoat binolarining loyihaviy va amaliy loyihalari ishlab chiqilib hayotga tadbiq qilindi.

Loyiha tashkilotlaridan “Lart DU Design” mchj “Memor qurilish loyiha” mchj, “Zarkamrus” mchj,  “Munis stroy” mchj nodavlat notijorat tashkilotlarining 16 ta kup qavatlti, 20 ta kam qavatli turar joy binolari va 18 ta turli jamoat binolari loyihasiga taqdiqot ishlari amalga oshirildi. Asosiy professor-oʻqituvchilarimizdan A.Aymatov, B.Maxamov, F.Soliyev A.Dostonov, A.Ortiqov, N.Xayitboyev va Sh.Balgayevalar tomonidan amalga oshirildi.

Tadqiqotlarning foto jamlanmasi ilova qilinadi.


Employees of the institute conducted research in cooperation with non-governmental non-profit organizations

A number of professors and teachers of our institute organized seminars in cooperation with international specialists and experienced employees on various "Master Plans" and are actively participating in practical projects. In particular, the teachers of the "Architectural Design" department conducted research in 2021 in cooperation with non-governmental non-profit organizations. Design and practical projects of residential and public buildings were developed and implemented in order to improve the lifestyle of the population and achieve sustainable development.

Among the project organizations, the projects of 16 high-rise, 20 low-rise residential buildings and 18 different public buildings of non-governmental non-profit organizations "Lart DU Design" LLC, "Memor Qurilish Project" LLC, "Zarkamrus" LLC, and "Munis Stroy" LLC were carried out. increased. It was carried out by A. Aymatov, B. Makhamov, F. Soliev, A. Dostonov, A. Ortikov, N. Khayitboev and Sh. Balgaeva, among our main professors.

A photo summary of the research is attached.