About the results of the sociological survey of the parents of the applicants who took the test in the admission process of the Samarkand State University of Architecture and Construction named after Mirzo Ulugbek 2023-2024
On August 1-10, 2023, a special working group (psychologist, volunteers, and sociologists) formed by SamSACU conducted sociological surveys of relatives and parents of applicants who took the test during the admission process of the 2023-2024 academic year. The survey was conducted in two shifts, the results of each shift were summarized by a university psychologist and the analysis was sent as daily information after the evening shift to the responsible person appointed from the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation (+998903833666 by telegram, @ MR_Omadbek1996 account) was submitted. The survey consisted of 19 questions, and a total of 730 respondents took part in it. Based on the answers given by the parents of the applicants, the general results were analyzed as follows:
1. How satisfied are you with the fact that your child is participating in the entrance exam to a higher education institution today?
79.8% (582 people) are happy,
0% did not select the option that they are not happy
20.2% (148 people) said that they had been waiting for these days all their lives,
0% did not select the option that it is difficult to answer
2. "To what extent do you think your child and his peers are interested in learning?" To the question of the participants
19.04% (139 people) are thirsty for knowledge and expressed interest in reading books and learning foreign languages.
31.5% (230 people) are more inclined to get information from the Internet than to read a book
0.% is limited to reading school textbooks. option was not specified
20% (146 people) focus on learning foreign languages
0.% did not select the option that they are not interested in learning
29.5% (216 people) attend tutoring and study subjects related to university exams
3. "In your opinion, what explains the lack of enthusiasm for learning among some young people today (you can choose up to three answers)?" - of the participants to the question
185 people Lack of teachers who teach qualitive lessons in schools,
11 lack of educational literature and other book resources,
67 people Excessive number of students in classes,
124 parents neglect their children's education,
0. They did not specify the option that they do not have the confidence to achieve their goals through learning
176 people are addicted to Internet sites and social networks,
110 people Low family income and its lack of opportunity to get enough education,
48 people marked the option of lack of desire to acquire a profession
4. "How do you rate your child's learning at school?" To the question of parents
69.58% (508 people) excellent,
30% (219 people) are good,
0.42% (3 people) marked the option as satisfactory
5. "Did your child like school?" - to the question, the majority, that is,
88.3% (619 people) answered yes.
4.7% (101 people) had difficulty to answer.
6. "Do you know the rector of the higher education institution to which your child submitted documents?" In response to this question,
76% of the participants (555 people) stated that they did not know the rector.
7. To the question "Do you consider the professors and teachers of the higher education institution where your child applied to be competent?"
100% (730) participants answered yes.
8. "Why did your child apply to this particular institution of higher education?" From the participants to the question
64.38% (470) of my children dreamed of studying at this higher education institution.
13.01% (95 people) I wanted him to study at this higher education institution,
5.75 % (42 people) Because it is close to our place of residence,
17.26% (126 people) answered that it was because the entrance scores to this higher education institution were lower
9. "Are you satisfied with the conditions created for parents during the test?" - to the question
91% (671) parents answered yes.
they did not specify the answer no
9% (59 people) said that it was difficult to answer.
10 "Are you satisfied with the process of submitting documents to higher education institutions today?" - to the question
95% (687) parents answered yes,
parents did not mark the answer as no
5% (43 parents) answered that it is difficult to answer.
11. From the parents who participated in the next question
The first child of 323,
Second child of 258,
148 selected the third child option
12 "Did your child choose the institution of higher education and the field of study by himself?" - to the question
62.46% (456) parents chose their child,
11.92% (87 people) with their friends,
14.4% (105 people) with the recommendation of parents,
11.4% (83 people) said that they chose based on the recommendation of close relatives.
13. "Do you think it is now possible to get into institution of higher education through a corrupt way?" - to the question
14% (104) parents definitely answered,
45% (326) parents answered they are not sure,
16% (115) parents answered the professional-creative exams,
25% (185) parents answered no.
14. "Which secondary education did your child complete before applying to a higher education institution?" Applicants for this question
54% (392 people) went to secondary school,
16% (116 people) lyceum and
29% (205) vocational colleges
1% (7 people) selected the Presidential School
15. In the questionnaire on the next question
17 % 127 men and
83% of 603 women participated.
Parents who participated in the survey
0. 31-34 years old,
159 people are 35-40 years old,
300 people are 41-49 years old,
185 people are 50-55 years old,
76 people are 56-64 years old,
0. people are 65 years old and older.
Based on the next question, the participating parents themselves
164 have higher education,
160 have secondary education and
It turned out that 408 people have secondary-special education.
In addition, questions were asked for the participating parents to answer in writing. That is, "What benefits would you like the state to give your child to study?" - to the question of most parents
The student's grades at school will be taken into account, student loans will have a low interest rate, free repeats will be provided, the school program will be removed from the institute's education, the material and technical base of education will be maintained, favorable conditions will be created for potential teachers, higher education They mentioned that they will be trained deeply.
When asked for proposals or problems on the development of higher education, most participants said that they should use creative methods to make our children interested in reading, increase the number of qualified teachers, teach by exchanging experience with foreign countries, use less Internet that they should be provided with books, that graduates should be provided with jobs, that they should increase the number of institutes, that they should eliminate supercontracts, that higher education, especially medical higher education institutions, should abandon supercontracts, that they should allow the transfer of studies, Foreign cooperation should be strengthened, students who have studied well should be given grants or contracts after the 1st semester, students should be strongly monitored and taught at a high level, dormitories should be increased, teachers should be given high salaries and freedom, new technologies should be widely introduced they mentioned that the teachers who are taking the practical exam should give the grade truthfully.
Psychologist of SamSACU S. Otayorov